Seattle Public Schools

Special Education

Referral and Evaluation

Establishing Special Education Services for Students

A referral is the first step toward receiving special education services. A referral is a written request for evaluation, explaining why the student might need special education services.

A student must be referred before they are evaluated. 评估决定学生是否有资格获得特殊教育服务, and what those services might be. Once a student has been referred, 学生所在学校的一个小组将在25个学日内决定是否对学生进行评估.

If a student already has an IEP and is transferring into Seattle Public Schools, they do not need to be referred. Instead, the district will use the Out of district placement process.

Making a Referral

Any member of a student’s community may initiate a referral for evaluation. This community is comprised of their parents or guardians, extended family, teachers, medical professionals, community members, and/or agencies.

Referral is the first step leading towards Special Education Services. All referrals are made in writing. They are made either to the district or through a students existing school, depending on their enrollment status in Seattle Public Schools. A parent, guardian, 老师或其他了解该儿童的个人可以发起转介. When a referral is made, 学区必须在25个学日内作出是否评估资格的决定.

Materials that may be used to determine whether to evaluate include:

  • Medical, therapy, or school records
  • Report cards or other progress reports
  • Teacher, parent, or provider information
  • Other assessments


在转介期间,如有会议,家长/监护人将获邀出席. 有关评估的建议将以事先书面通知的形式提供给家长/监护人. 如果评估被拒绝,家长/监护人将被告知原因.

Students Currently Enrolled

If your student is already enrolled in Seattle Public Schools ,与学生所在学校的工作人员沟通,开始转介过程. 你可以从学生的老师或大楼管理员那里开始. If you need help making a referral, please contact us.

All referrals must be made in writing, but can occur at any time. If necessary, we can work with families to accept verbal referrals.

Student Not Enrolled with Seattle Public Schools

正规的棋牌平台排行榜不负责为3岁以下儿童提供服务. Contact WithinReach of WashingtonState, toll free: 1-800-322-2588.

Students 3–5 years old, not enrolled in Seattle Public Schools Preschool-aged children (3-5岁)可能有资格通过正规的棋牌平台排行榜接受服务.

Contact Child Find Screening & Referral:
206-252-0805 or

Child Find is an Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandate. 它寻求找到所有将受益于公共服务的残疾儿童. Child Find为未在正规的棋牌平台排行榜注册的儿童提供了一个初始转诊点. 他们还开展外展工作,以识别尚未转诊的高危儿童.

Students 5–21 years old, not enrolled in Seattle Public Schools School-aged students (5–21 years old) not enrolled in Seattle Public Schools, 居住在本地区或就读于本地区范围内的学校的学生是否可以通过私立学校转介接受评估.

这适用于就读私立学校、非学区学校或家庭学校的学生. Private School Referral: 206-252-0800 or Learn more about services for students not enrolled in SPS

Referral process

What to expect during the referral process.

Referral period

收到推荐后,将与学生的家长/监护人联系. The school-based team must make a decision within 25 school days about whether or not to evaluate the student for eligibility.

During the referral period, existing records are gathered for review. 可用于决定是否评估学生的材料包括:

  • Medical, therapy, or school records
  • Report cards or other progress reports
  • Teacher, parent, or provider information
  • Other assessments



Pre-referral 以学校为基础的团队是否通过这个过程来确定学生是否需要额外的支持来取得学业进步.

预推荐指的是一个以学校为基础的团队要经历的过程,以确定什么, if any, additional supports a student may need to make academic progress. If in-class intervention, designed by the teacher, does not produce progress for a student, 校本小组将安排一次会议来审查数据和信息. 每所学校都有一个专门的团队,他们定期开会指导这些决定. 这是考虑学生是否有资格接受特殊教育的第一步.

District-wide, “多层次支援系统”(MTSS)的框架正处于不同阶段,在区内所有学校推行. MTSS是一个框架,用于支持所有在普通教育中证明需要额外支持以取得学业进步的学生. 这种分层支援模式可确保学校满足不同学生的需要,并在需要时简化特殊教育转介的程序.

家长/监护人亦可随时要求转介,以考虑特殊教育服务. 推荐申请应该是书面的,并直接提交给你的学生所在学校的一名工作人员.

Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)

如果学生有干扰自己学习或他人学习的行为, 应进行功能性行为评估(FBA),以识别行为的功能. FBA用于为IEP团队提供额外的信息和分析,以解决干扰学生的不良行为?s education and to develop a behavior intervention plan (BIP).


如果学区找到足够的证据来支持对该学生进行评估的决定,将安排一次评估, and if the student’s parent/guardian gives written consent. 评估结果将用于确定特殊教育服务的资格.

How does a student become eligible for Special Education?

The basic sequence leading to eligibility is referral then evaluation. A referral must be made in writing to the district. 这触发了与家长的沟通,收集现有的记录和审查. 假设学区有足够证据支持评估,且家长/监护人给予书面同意, it is scheduled. The results are then used to determine eligibility.

Who can make a referral?

Each child is a member of a community supporting their growth and learning. This community is comprised of parents or guardians, extended family, teachers, medical professionals, community members, and/or agencies. 任何有关儿童社区的成员都可以将他们转介到地区进行评估.

Where do I begin?

  • 对于出生到三岁的孩子,联系华盛顿州范围内的免费电话 800-322-2588.
  • 3至21岁,未在正规的棋牌平台排行榜注册,请联系正规的棋牌平台排行榜儿童搜索.
  • 在正规的棋牌平台排行榜就读的3 - 21岁学生,与学生所在学校的工作人员沟通预转介和转介事宜.

Make a Referral

Student is Enrolled in SPS: Contact staff at your student’s school. Questions about making a referral, contact the special education team.

Student is NOT Enrolled in SPS


Making a Referral for Special Education  (WA State OSPI)

Child Find: What Parents Need to Know  (

District Registration

特殊教育服务提供给合格的学生,无论注册状态在正规的棋牌平台排行榜. 转介或获得服务资格不会自动将学生注册为该地区的学生. This is a separate process through the admissions department.